Sunday, February 27, 2011

Book Reading #27: Emotional Design

Chapter 2: The Multiple Faces of Emotion and Design
Emotional Design
Donald A. Norman

Summary: In the first part of this chapter, Norman discusses how the three levels the cognitive and emotional system work together to provide the user an overall experience of the product. He also discusses objects that evoke memories and the effect they have for example souvenirs and photographs. The feelings that design, marketing, and the use of products bring to individuals and how they change they way we think of ourselves. 

Discussion: Reflecting on the examples given by Norman, about the personality of items (video game consoles) and how the use of different things makes us feel (cake mix), and they are true. There are still many products that are designed and geared for only part of the population, but other people still use them. However, there are others that have changed. My computer is pink! Just like its cover, and my backpack! I usually don't like buying products marked with the "Just add water!" phrase because I think they are only for those who want to avoid the hazel of going through the process, and personally I don't think they taste the same way (I may be wrong).

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