Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Book Reading #46: Why We Make Mistakes

Why We Make Mistakes
Joseph T. Hallinan

Chapter 6: We-re in the Wong Frame of Mind. This chapter discusses two main ideas, frames and anchors. The framing of mind (looking at an issue in the wrong way) is influenced by the environment (French v. German music example),  by the risk involved in decision making (NFL example), by time and events (9/11 example). Studies show that when people are asked to decide over an issue, they will "anchor" they responses to a number, especially if it's the first one they are given (the grocery store prices example).

Chapter 7: We Skim. For the most part of the chapter, Hallinan discusses how people will learn how to skim through text, music notes, and even images. Once the person is so familiar with what they are seeing, they will tend to not focus completely on it, thus only skimming through the piece of information. Another idea he discussed was the importance of context. When context is missing, or a situation is set in a unique context, the outcomes of the observed situation are different.

Discussion: All the examples given in these chapters were really interesting. Even when majority of them are not new to me, it is still interesting to learn about the logic behind them, and why we behave as we do. It is also interesting to see how majority of these scenarios have been researched and experiments have been performed in similar situations.

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