Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Book Reading #33: Things That Make Us Smart

Things That Make Us Smart
Donald A. Norman

Chapter 1: A Human-Centered Technology. Norman opens the chapter by stating that technology not only has positive effects, but negatives as well. The main idea of this first chapter is that technology has been developed with a focus apart from humans. It has not been design to accommodate humans, but humans must adapt to technology. He also introduces the two types of cognition relevant to his studies, experiential and reflective.

Chapter 2: Experiencing the World. In this chapter, Norman goes more in depth in describing experiential and reflective cognition. In summary, they differ in the way information is processed. Norman describes the experiential mode as of data-driven processing. It is automatic, it is our reactions to events. The reflective mode in the other hand is the one concerning concepts, planning and evaluation. He also describes three kinds of learning: accretion (accumulation of facts). tuning (practice to become experts), and  restructuring (not losing practice).

Discussion: Overall I like the way Norman is presenting the concepts of the book, however I think the examples are too long. I really enjoyed the first chapter since I think it deals more directly with CHI, and how our designs should be of positive results for users.

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